Resources From CAAFI
White Papers
Immediate R&D Needs
(To Be Determined) R&D Needs
Critical Challenges White Papers
In November of 2012, over 80 members of the CAAFI® R&D team, which includes a range of stakeholders from the aviation and alternative fuels industries, academia, and government, identified key immediate and longer-term challenges that deserve attention. This effort resulted in the CAAFI R&D Team's position paper on near and longer-term R&D needs to facilitate development and deployment of alternative jet fuels.
The CAAFI R&D Team developed a series of white papers that provide background and greater discussion on the topics raised in the position paper. Both the position paper and the series of white papers are anticipated to be revised and expanded upon on an annual basis.
Position Paper
Video Resources
The information contained in Video Resources represents the views and opinions of the original creators of such video content and does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of CAAFI.
The appearance of video content on the site does not constitute an endorsement by CAAFI or its affiliates of such video content.
This video content has been made available for informational and educational purposes only.
CAAFI does not make any representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness or completeness of these Video Resources.
The CAAFI Quarterly, 2024
The CAAFI Quarterly, 2023
The CAAFI Quarterly, 2022
The CAAFI Quarterly, 2021
The CAAFI Quarterly, 2020
The CAAFI Quarterly, 2019
The CAAFI Quarterly, 2018
The CAAFI Quarterly, 2017

Funding Opportunities
Federal Level Funding
Department of Energy: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Financial Assistance
Federal Finance Facilities Available for Energy Efficiency Upgrades and Clean Energy Deployment
State Level Funding
Life Cycle Water Footprint Analysis for Rapeseed Derived Jet Fuel in North Dakota
Analysis of Renewable Jet from Oilseed Feedstocks Replacing Fallow in the U.S. Northern Great Plains
A Feedstock Readiness Level Tool to Complement the Aviation Industry Fuel Readiness Level Tool
Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Alternative Jet Fuels (PARTNER COE Project 28)
Market Cost of Renewable Jet Fuel Adoption in the United States (PARTNER COE Project 31)
Report Evaluating Existing Sustainability Evaluation Programs (Volpe BAA)

ASTM Specifications
Please follow these links to the ASTM International Specifications applicable to jet fuels: